
Welcome to Spacely.

A revolutionary new platform connecting advertisers with media owners,
A two-sided marketplace streamlining transactions for offline media to maximize goals to budgets to results.
Our platform is the innovative technology solution media industry professionals wish they had 10 years ago.

Win New Business, Discover New Content

The idea for Spacely sprang from the frustration of closing-week scrambles and administrative bottlenecks media buyers and sellers often experience.
Buying ad units in magazines, billboards, and stadium signage today should be as simple as purchasing an airline ticket. And so, Spacely was born.

A tool that empowers efficiency, fosters growth, and builds a connected community, Spacely simultaneously helps media owners win new business and buyers discover new content, ultimately enhancing and showcasing the value of classic media.

What Spacely is today

As much as Spacely is a solution-driven concept, there are a few things Spacely is not. For one, we are not programmatic. We are also not meant for remnant inventory.
We are a two-sided, transactional marketplace, where agencies and brands interact with print publishers and out-of-home media owners to buy and sell advertisements.


Plan Icon
Power your plan
Power your plan
Seamlessly turn your media plan into a grab-and-go process. Win back literally thousands of labor hours currently spent creating intricate spreadsheets, then sorting through the disparate attachments, before aggregating and ultimately discarding unused plans.
Position Icon
Command your position
Command your position
The right positioning comes at a premium, and more often than not, your brand alignment could be improved with little to no increase to your already existing commitment.
Sell Icon
Sharpen your sell
Sharpen your sell
Know when your most valued partners plan to be in market, what they are looking for, where their key markets are, and who their target audience is. Become an active part of their planning process and create an intelligent funnel to prioritize your efforts.
Curate Icon
Curate your content
Curate your content
Empower creators to let their content and their talent speak for itself. What if writers, photographers, and designers knew which brands they wanted to be aligned with? What if brands knew what creators were working on? Finally unlock a sustainable connection between those creating content and those who value it most.
Invest Icon
Activate your investment
Activate your investment
Know where you stand with your current publishing partners and discover new partners you never knew were so perfect for you. If this year’s plan is a reboot of last year’s plan, then there is value, efficiency, and incremental audience exposure being left on the table.


Spacely consolidates a week's worth of busy work into just a few hours.

Spacely's Demand side hosts agencies and brands who buy offline media, actively shaping the media landscape and contributing to the dynamic relationship between media outlets and advertisers. To make their jobs easier, Spacely offers the following benefits.

Key Benefits of the Demand Side

  • Aggregate Planning: Build OOH and print media plans in one place.
  • Differentiate: Easily discover new inventory based on brief goals and keywords.
  • Streamline Emails: Manage communications in one location.
  • Efficiency: Plan and work with all inputs ready for response.
  • Automation: Outreach and follow-up are a cinch.
  • Connectivity: Connect offline media to online plans.

Publishers &
Media Owners.

The worst part about selling isn’t hearing no, it’s hearing crickets.

Spacely's Supply side currently hosts print publications, specifically magazines, and OOH media, such as billboards and transit ads. A closed ecosystem, Spacely offers its users access to the producers, publishers, and owners of advertising spaces. And with Spacely's shared database and direct messaging system, correspondence will never go unanswered again.

Key Benefits for the Supply Side

  • Discoverability: Showcase your offerings to agencies and brands for instant visibility.
  • Efficiency: Get overall increased productivity of sales teams.
  • Audience Insights: Discover who is shopping your shelves.
  • Streamlined Outreach: Manage all communications in one place.
  • Effective Planning: Complete all media plan components and requests.
  • Automation: Outreach and follow-up is a cinch.

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